There are quite a few great casting materials, including bronze, nickel and various kinds of glass. Each of these has a range of finishes and effects that make the resulting statue or model beautiful to behold.
However, if there is one material that people think of when it comes to casting, it is most often gold. For thousands of years, gold has been the most desirable material to make almost anything aesthetic from.
Part of the reason for this is that gold is a very valuable material, one with a lustre that people value a lot. However, the reason why it has this value is for a lot of different practical reasons which make it perfect for casting.
The first is that it is one of the most indestructible materials in the world. Left untouched, items made with gold will effectively last forever and do not pick up impurities nor corrode like other more common metals that are used to make statues or castings.
It maintains its lustre effectively forever, and will only lose its shape or detailings if it is forced to. This is part of the reason why gold is one of only a few metals that has been universally used as currency.
On that subject, gold is also exceptionally easy to work with compared to other materials. It is soft, malleable, easy to shape and does not tarnish in any way.
In most cases, the only reason why a gold object might not survive is if it is melted down for the material, and this is very important for castings that someone wants to last forever.
This is also what made it so easy to use in the first place; unlike other precious metals, gold has been found almost everywhere in the world (in small quantities) in a form that can easily be purified by panning, washing or melting down ore.